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Frequently Asked Questions

Curious Minds Welcome!

What is the Inequality Hub?

The Inequality Hub is a research-driven online platform for researchers, policymakers, students and the engaged public dedicated to advancing knowledge on socio-economic inequality, focusing on how it is perceived, legitimised, and institutionalised across societies. It is a key component of the PERGAP project. Learn more about the Hub on the About Us page.

What is PERGAP?

PERGAP is a research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the leadership of Simone M. Schneider. We examine how different welfare state institutions influence public misperceptions of inequality and social justice using quantitative research methods. Learn more about PERGAP.

What research is conducted in the PERGAP project?

We aim to develop new instruments to assess inequality in social security systems and to connect newly collected institutional inequality data with existing survey studies to study empirically the public institution-perception link across societies and over time using quantitative research methods.  Learn more about PERGAP.

Are there other projects running in the Inequality Hub?

Soon to come! If you would like to collaborate on existing or new projects, reach out to us and learn more about potential collaborations on our Join Us page.

Can I collaborate with the Inequality Hub?

Yes! We welcome collaboration with researchers, institutions, and professionals interested in social and economic inequality. You can contact us via our Join Us page to discuss potential partnerships and contributions.

How is the Inequality Hub funded?

The Inequality Hub is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the Horizon Europe research and innovation program and within the framework of PERGAP. Our funding supports the production and dissemination of inequality research and the creation of new datasets on institutional inequality and its perception.

How can I access resources of the Inequality Hub?

Our Resources page offers access to cross-country comparative data and research on social disparities and economic inequalities. You can download datasets, view research publications, and explore other external data sources related to socio-economic inequality.

How do I stay updated on the latest research from the Inequality Hub?

You can follow the latest news, publications, and upcoming events on our News page. We regularly post updates about research projects, conferences, and new findings in the field of socio-economic inequality.